SYNTHESISM Guiding Statement:

I am convinced more and more that in the midst of so much post-modern deconstruction, division, and atomization we are in need of synthesis. Blending and combining influences that draw us to truth, beauty, and goodness in a familiar but uniquely personal way. The “Synthesist” is someone who looks hopefully into the past, present, and future, curating what is impacting them to create a “new” expression. Embracing nuance, and de-prioritizing certainty, this philosophy can apply to a variety of disciplines, art, architecture, philosophy, culture, politics, etc.and allows for fresh, less polarized/dogmatic voices to emerge.

“Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.” -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

“We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill... it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress.” -Li Ka-shing

“Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.” -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin